Weekly Garden Image, June 21, 2015

Plot #63, Roseville Community Garden, June 21, 2015.

Weekly Garden Image, June 14, 2015

Plot #63, Roseville Community Garden, June 14, 2015.

How does your garden grow? With #JerseyFreshLove, of course!

Now that my garden plot at Roseville Community Garden is fully planted for the season and growing, I thought I’d do a quick visual essay from the start of gardening season to date, then continue posting a photo from the same perspective each week throughout the season.

Here goes… starting from April 12 through June […]

Garden Update: Time to start eating!

Gardening is an exercise in optimism. Sometimes, it is a triumph of hope over experience. — Marina Schinz

Garden bounty! Swiss chard, black seeded lettuce, summer squash and the first (cherry) tomato of the season, June 28, 2013. (Click image for larger version)

Just a quick update today, I was just too busy […]

Garden Update: Delia radicum, destroyer of radishes

God in His wisdom made the fly and then forgot to tell us why. ~Ogden Nash, “The Fly”

Delia radicum – commonly known as the cabbage fly, or cabbage root fly – ate my radishes. Allow me to correct myself…the squirming white cabbage fly maggots ate my radishes. And their name fits their crime! Another […]

Garden Update: Looking Good After Five Weeks!

In order to live off a garden, you practically have to live in it. ~Frank McKinney Hubbard

Plot 63, Roseville Community Garden on Sunday, May 26, 2013 (Click photo for larger image.)

Memorial Day weekend, five full weeks since Plot #63 at Roseville Community Garden was planted, and the garden’s progress is […]

Garden Update: It’s raining again…

Woke up to a seasonably warm, muggy, mid-summer Saturday morning.

Grabbed a cup of coffee, “opened office” under the patio umbrella and finished up some client work left over from the week. I had every intention of doing this and a few household chores before heading down to the garden to weed and finish trimming […]